Online Training & Socials

We have videos, teaching and other content available online – please check out the information below about our private Facebook Group and also our Online Learning Portal.

Private Facebook Group
If you are on Facebook, please join our Private Facebook Group. We post important messages and content in there, and also livestream Gradings for relatives etc to follow along from home.
(Note, you – or your invited relatives – MUST answer the joining questions for the group, even if you think we will know your name. If you don’t your request will be DECLINED).

Click HERE for the Team Black Belt private members facebook group

Online learning portal
For access to the huge library of comprehensive, detailed learning videos that we have created, we invite you to register for our online teaching portal. There are over 400 videos including Kata tutorials, partner work, basics, applications, bully work, first aid and the compete LD KK1 KK2 KK3 and KK4 syllabus and loads more.

If you would like to know whether this would be a good idea for you, please speak to Sensei when you come to class.

Go to
1. Click on “Join Us”
2. Click on “Student membership”

For a quick look around some of the videos we have posted on YouTube over the years, pop over to our YouTube channel here