Leadership team – what they do & how to become one

What is a Leader, and what do they do?
Our fabulous Leadership Team is made up of Team Black Belt students who are interested in supporting other children of a lower grade, and (mostly) younger than themselves, to progress.

Their most important job is to help the class students to be confident and motivated. They also will help Sensei prepare the training area for the class and with the warm up games and then reinforce Sensei’s teaching during the lesson by offering encouragement and, when necessary, guidance, to the younger students as they practise their techniques.

How does the student themselves benefit from being a Leader?
Like a lot of areas in life, students often ‘grow into’ their roles as a Leader. We find they develop in confidence and initiative, and begin to develop a sense of responsibility by understanding what making a commitment entails.

We also run a Leadership training sessions, usually around twice a year, helping Leaders to understand how to support other students in class. This helps them develop their confidence and leadership skills for their role, but also helps equip them with skills to manage their independent world as they grow older.

One of the most interesting and sophisticated skills that Leaders who work across several classes learn, is how to adapt their support and motivation to suit individual children, all of different ages. In other words, how to communicate effectively with everyone. Most definitely a useful Life Skill!

Last, but not least, they often find too, that supporting Sensei’s teaching by helping students to carry out newly learned techniques etc, their own karate learning is reinforced and enhanced.

How long in the evening do they stay?
Most often Leaders will come along to assist on a night that they don’t themselves, personally, train, and will cover their classes and then return home. This is usually around 2 – 3 classes, depending on the student’s other commitments.

Sometimes Leaders will come along to begin their Leadership 2 or 3 classes before their own lesson. These Leaders will then sit out the class directly before their own, and will often take the moment to eat a snack they have brought with them, or get some homework done.
Other Leaders may only come along for just the class before their own, especially the younger leaders.

Do parents have to wait with students whilst they are doing their Leadership class?
No. We specifically ask Parents to drop them off and go. Leadership is about the young person starting to develop in confidence and stand on their own two feet. We keep an eye on them of course, but this is a good place for them to begin to learn self-sufficiency.

For Leaders who help in the Little Dragon classes, we would, however, prefer for the parents to stay until other class members turn up, to ensure that the Leader feels comfortable in the familiarity of a busy environment.

Do Leaders have to come EVERY week?
Being on the Leadership team IS a commitment, and we are only interested in having Leaders who understand this; but, illness, school commitments, etc do come along, and we recognise that occasionally a Leader won’t be able to come to a class.

However, one of the most important periods that we need leaders for is for the first 3-4 weeks directly after a half-term, as this is when we have new starters who usually need a high level of support until they are settled in. At important times like this, we expect Leaders to make every effort to attend.

How can my child become a Leader?
We’re looking for certain qualities in a student who wants to become a leader. They have to be keen (obviously), but we need to also feel that they are taking the learning of their karate ‘seriously’, as we want them to be able to impart this drive to improve to the students they are helping.

For that reason, we may approach students directly and invite them to become leaders, or, if your child is interested you can approach us. Please note, we have, on occasions, had children interested in becoming a Leader whom we have asked to wait for a period of time until we felt they were completely ready. So, if you have a keen ‘Leader-in-Waiting’ please do still let us know, and we can move forward on it at the appropriate time.

Drop Helen an email HERE, letting her know which student is interested, and she’ll let you know if we have any vacancies that might be suitable for you. (Please make sure you read the belt requirement information below before applying)

LD classes are 5.15pm-5.50pm.
Minimum belt requirement to be a leader for this level class is KK Orange & White Stripe.

KK1 classes are 6pm – 6.40pm.
Minimum belt requirement to be a leader for this level class is Green & White Stripe.

KK2 classes are 6.50pm – 7.30pm.
Minimum belt requirement to be a leader for this level class is a Purple & White Stripe.

KK3 classes are ONLY Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7.40pm – 8.25pm.
Minimum belt requirement to be a leader for this level class is a Brown belt.

KK4 classes are ONLY Mondays & Wednesdays, 7.40pm – 8.25pm.
Minimum belt requirement to be a leader for this level class is a Junior Black Belt.